Displaying 1 - 100 of 347

1build helps builders win bids by converting blueprints into material shopping lists and cost estimates.

1Page summary with relevant information from all your applications, and necessary research in minutes before meeting, to search less and sell more

Artificial intelligence for quantum computers. Quantum computers for artificial intelligence.

Using AI to predict biochemistry for manufacturing and therapeutics.

Provider of AI solutions for the financial services sector.

Full stack software company delivering artificial intelligence based software for self-driving cars.

Use of entertainment platforms and rich closed-loop interactions to provide a training platform for humans and AI agents to collaborate.

(Ai-Coin), (AI Coin)
Trading and investment company where decisions about profit building strategies are controlled by token holders.

Provider of artificial intelligence solutions that support and enhance the impact of radiologist diagnostic power.

Artificial intelligence startup focused on detecting and processing images on mobile devices.

Algorithmia operates an algorithm marketplace and offers PaaS solutions to enterprises.

Developer of cloud-based analytics solutions to help businesses draw actionable insights from text on a massive scale.

Distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing that aims to simplify package management and deployment.

Provider of cloud-based planning, forecasting, and analytics solutions for analysts, managers, and executives

Provider of Chinese speech and language technology.

Artificial intelligence service for corporates.

Analysis and visualization for complex data

Provider of language solutions such as online and offline single-click dictionary and translation software, translation services, language learning.

Artificial intelligence startup developing a universally applicable and easily adaptable AI solution.

Artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced encrypted digital asset exchange platform.

Provider of a cloud marketing platform that maximizes online revenue by getting the most relevant products and services found on any platform.

Digital supply chain platform and solutions for every move, mode and mile.

Artificial intelligence platform for financial institutions.

Bonsai tools empower users to develop deep reinforcement learning models that can significantly improve the operations of complex industrial systems.

Artificial intelligence service aiding the discovery and monetization of stories.

AI-driven personal insurance concierge, available through a smartphone app.

AI powered no-code/ low-code platform that is transforming the way businesses and entrepreneurs develop custom apps.

InsurTech for Parametric Insurance Solutions

Artificial intelligence company building computer systems for complex artificial intelligence deep learning applications.

Artificial intelligence (AI) platform for content creation.

Enabling companies to put customer experience at the heart of their business.

Platform that enables anyone to become a creator of unique, virtual characters powered by artificial intelligence.

CryptoNumerics helps organizations to use data to gain insights while overcoming privacy and data residency issues.

Digital leadership coaching platform that leverages AI to provide in-the-moment feedback and management coaching within the enterprise.

Financial technology company helping people discover business opportunities.