Displaying 1 - 79 of 79

Network resource provisioning.

Advanced and secure blockchain cloud infrastructure with segregate, unlimitedly scalable cloud computing networks.

Platform that provides developers with the fundamental building blocks they need to create decentralized applications.

Data discovery and metadata engine for improving the productivity of data analysts, data scientists and engineers when interacting with data.

Complete data quality platform that automatically detects and explains issues in your enterprise data.

Distributed computing made simple by enabling developers to easily build applications that run at any scale, from a laptop to a data center.

Tools to generate infrastructure from code.

Argonaut automatically generates the terraform, app deployment, and CI / CD configurations for infra and app deployments on your cloud.

DSL network management systems.

Data orchestration platform powered by Apache Airflow.

Active metadata platform for modern data teams, that helps them discover, understand, trust, and collaborate on data assets.

Data observability platform that helps teams measure, improve, and communicate data quality clearly at any scale.

Transcoding and media streaming solutions that allow video content to be played on any device and in any browser without buffering.

API that adds cloud hosting to any developer platform.

All-in-one friendly interface to work with the Apache Kafka ecosystem.

Next-generation AI platform for the modern data stack powered by end-to-end automation and a declarative workflow.

Exaion, fournisseur cloud de solutions blockchain et calcul haute-performance

Next-generation CDN for fast, secure, and scalable experiences.

SaaS data warehouse for warp speed performance.

Developer of a SaaS data integration service for companies to extract, load and transform data from different sources into data warehouses.

Synthetic data + privacy expertise delivered to you as an easy to use tools and APIs.

Data commerce platform for data innovators to rapidly build, grow and scale a next-generation data business.

End-to-end solution for managing internal data labeling projects.

Modern platform for data science and analytics, bringing together collaborative notebooks, beautiful data apps, and enterprise-grade security.

Reverse ETL tool that allows businesses to effortlessly sync their data from data warehouses to customer-facing teams' applications.

Provider of open cloud infrastructure as a service.

Programming language that combines the productivity of languages like R, Python, or Matlab with the performance of C and Fortran.

Bringing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to enterprise data in a way that is both scalable and easy to use.

Collaborative data training platform that creates and manages labeled data for machine learning applications.

Provides a real-time online charging and rating system (OCS) for telecommunications providers.

Business intelligence, dashboards, and data visualization tools.

Data observability platform which increases trust in data by eliminating data downtime, so engineers innovate more and fix less.

Activation testing, quality monitoring and remote troubleshooting for the full service lifecycle.

Transforming data lakes into a fully managed Lakehouse with open and future proof data infrastructure as a service.

Business intelligence (BI) friendly predictive analytics that solves critical business problems for revenue-driving and operations teams.

Virtual network infrastructure software company.

New workflow management system, designed for modern infrastructure and powered by an open-source engine.

Cloud based data exploration and visualization platform powered by the leading open source analytics tool, Apache Superset.

SQL caching engine that helps developers build performant, real-time applications without making code changes or switching databases.

Streaming data platform for developers.

Open source, warehouse-first customer data pipeline.

Data science and machine learning in the cloud in seconds by using R and Python with GPUs, Dask clusters, and more.

Radically new IT infrastructure technology company for the modern data center and the cloud.

System that facilitates the process of building and managing training datasets without manual labelling.

Independent cloud-native data platform powered by the open source standard for huge analytic datasets, Apache Iceberg.

Time-series SQL database providing fast analytics, scalability, with automated data management on a proven storage engine.

Mimicking your production data to create safe, realistic, and de-identified data for QA, testing, and analysis.

Centralized metrics store that enables metrics definitions in code, supports life-cycle management, and connects to any downstream tool.

Low-code data platform that allows users to integrate, transform, and visualize their data.