Mr Jose Maria Macedo

KANDO id: 1046180


José was previously the founding partner at AmaZix Capital as well as being Partner & Head of Advisory at AmaZix - one of the largest marketing, community management and advisory companies in the space, having worked with over 130 projects, including the likes of HDAC, Bancor, Bankex, GBX, WePower and Gochain. Starting off as an analyst, José worked his way up to eventually co-found and lead the advisory department at AmaZix (eventually spun-off to AmaZix Capital) where he helped build a strong team comprised of economists, computer scientists, and finance executives which played a key role in auditing & designing the token economic models as well as drafting the documentation (whitepapers, technical papers, token economic papers, and pitch decks) for many of AmaZix’s 130 partners. Before entering crypto, José studied Economics & Philosophy with a focus on Game Theory and Econometrics, graduating with a first-class honours while starting several businesses, including a successful exit to a large UK-based wholesaler. His business ventures have been featured on National TV and Huffington Post, as well as earning him the Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Award (presented by Prince Andrew), Shell Livewire Grand Ideas Award, Enterprise Champion award and Student Entrepreneur of the Year. José has spoken at conferences all over the world, regularly writes about token economics and his writings and thoughts have been featured on publications such as EuroNews, Yahoo Finance, and among others. He is also a member of the scientific committee for San Marino where he acts as its token economic expert, advising the government on how to understand, structure and regulate crypto assets. At Delphi Ventures, José will focus on overseeing, iterating and improving the investment process, working with portfolio companies and building a world-class investment team.


Delphi Digital

Independent research boutique providing institutional-grade analysis on the digital asset market.

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