China companies

Displaying 1 - 100 of 1028

Early Stage Venture Capital Fund based in Shanghai and Beijing.

Developer of mobile games, gaming platforms, and related media, along with media evaluation services and information about these products.

Chinese online gaming company.

A telecom neutral internet infrastructure and service company in China.

Web directory service sites in China

Leading human resource solutions provider in China, offering online and offline job search, recruitment, training and other HR services.

Credit card management app.

Chinese video sharing web site

800APP, aka 800APPS, provides cloud computing and social enterprise solutions to various businesses and industries in China.

An innovative antibody engineering technology company in China.

Technology-driven integrated internet advertising platform in China.

Provider of personalized coupons, advertising and deep analytics to customers using POS terminals.

Beijing-based company providing consumer and professional data, and hosted database marketing services in China.

Crypto finance service provider that provides liquidity provision, trading, and asset management services.

Mobile travel management services

App store data analytics and market intelligence company for the iOS Store, Mac Store, and Android Store.

Branded digital animation content and platform.

Leading retailer and distributor of pharmaceutical and healthcare products in Northeast China.

Leading manufacturer and distributor of high end medium density fibre board, particleboard and laminate flooring.

Coal bed methane (CBM) producer in China