United Kingdom companies

Displaying 301 - 400 of 6679

Private equity firm specialising in buyouts, buy-ins and the acquisition of distressed debt and other special opportunities

Provider of geographic information services that enable better understanding of insecure and complex environments around the world.

UK-based bank committed to supporting small to medium sized British business.

The world's first range of portable, accurate real-time warning devices to alert users to the presence of deadling airborne asbestos fibres.

The leading technology innovator in cloud-based smart home services.

The UK-based advisor to Aletheia Partners Ltd and its affiliates in Guernsey

Online retailer of luxury and premium children's clothing

Provider of recruitment process outsourcing solutions

Producing Omega 3 and associated bioactive products derived from freshwater algae.

Developer of a department stores across England and Wales.

Manufacturer of audio mixing consoles for live sound applications

Developer of an app which allows users to select restaurants chains based on dietary requirements.

Manufacturer and distributor of visual and electronic animal identification tags.

Private equity investor investing on behalf of Alliance Trust plc and managing 3rd party funds

Provider of a software platform for building realtime, interactive Internet applications

The integrated voice, data and collaboration solutions provider.

Provider of funding for innovations and inventions that could help people affected by dementia live better.

The largest producer of private-label paper towels, toilet paper, and facial tissue in the United Kingdom.

Develops the world's most comprehensive, accurate, and transparent calculation engine for quantifying Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).

Leading specialist golf retailer in the UK and Europe.